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The Keepers (Khadarin Elite Enforcement and Protection Service) are ConFed's best fighters (Competitive Team), our most apt gamers, and probably better than most anyone else on Keepers HAVE to be this good, because when they fight, they defend The Confederation's honor and that of it's members, and so they HAVE to win.


Keepers are like the Knights of Camelot, and it is important that they are as honorable and dedicated ConFed members in channel as they are good fighters in games. Keepers know the laws, and help out in general ConFed matters, occasionally even watching the channel or training other members how to play better. Keepers are NOT just members that play all the time and are really good. Far from it.

Want to learn more about the Keepers and how to become one? Go here!








Joint Chiefs of Staff member. Oversee all aspects of Keeper operation. Make sure Keepers are well-trained, ensure Keepers do their jobs, and approve who is and is not allowed to join the Keepers Branch.


Only the President can appoint the Sky Marshal.

Can issue orders to:
Any member of Keepers or Cadet.


Must take orders from:
High Command







Assist the Sky Marshal in any task deemed necessary, fill in for the Sky Marshal in his/her absence.


To be promoted to this position you must prove that you are an unbeatable player yourself. This proof can be acquired by defeating specific people in games that High Command asks you to. In addition, you must have been a ConFed member and served in the Keepers branch for a fair amount of time. You must also have the endorsement of the existing Sky Marshal or the majority vote of the High Command if there is no Sky Marshal. Last but not least, you must be willing to fulfill the duties required of this position.

Can issue orders to:
Guardian, Elite Enforcer, or Cadet.


Must take orders from:
Sky Marshal, and High Command.







The Guardian is the gatekeeper of the Keepers. For members within ConFed who wish to become a Keeper, the Guardian must play them in a Best-Of-Three. The Guardian will then go over these replays with the Sky Marshal and discuss the results and overall perception of the applicant.  Challenge and beat in games anyone that comes into a ConFed channel and talks badly about ConFed or any of it's members.  Assist Sky Marshal and Premier as needed.

The Guardian is the very best of the Elite Enforcers. To be promoted to Guardian the The Sky Marshal will  test you him/herself and then make a decision.

Can issue orders to:
Elite Enforcer, Cadet.

Must take orders from:
Premier, Sky Marshal, and High Command.







Hunt and kill players in games that are on The Confederation's hitlist. Challange and beat in games anyone that comes into a ConFed channel and talks badly about ConFed or any of it's members. Assist in finding good members in ConFed to join the Keepers Branch.

In order to become a Keeper, there must be a vacant slot that we are looking to fill. To transfer to the Keepers branch you must visit the Keeper Academy located within the Academy Page. Then, you can contact the Sky Marshal, Premier or Guardian to set up your tryout. Details on this tryout can be found HERE

Can issue orders to:

Must take orders from:
Guardian, Premier, Sky Marshal, and High Command.

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