In order for anyone to become a full-fledged member of The Confederation, they must first survive The Academy. This Confederation branch (Confederation Recruitment Administration) is the heart of all recruiting in The Confederation, it is also responsible for handing who is accepted into ConFed and who is not, then promoting the Cadets who reach the end of the Academy and are worthy of The Confederation.
In addition, CRA members are responsible for teaching Cadets basic ins and outs of the clan. CRA members will work with new members of The Confederation diligently to get them involved in clan affairs as quickly as possible (EX: Team Speak, Forums, Events). This branch requires EXTREME activity on the part of it's members, so if you can not be online much, you will not do well here.
Name(ConFed) or Cmdnt-Name
Joint Chiefs of Staff member. CRA Branch commander, oversees all aspects of the academy and also discusses it's success or needs for improvement with High Command. Has final say on who is allowed to work in the CRA and who is not.
Commandant makes sure the Academy portion of the website is being maintained to properly reflect current Cadets. Make sure that all Cadets are promoted to Private and posted on the promotions board so the Fleet Admiral may update it with the Ship they will be assigned to. Makes sure that inactive Cadets are being kept track of. Makes sure that CRA members are doing their jobs.
Only the High Command can appoint the CRA Commandant.
Can issue orders to:
Any member of CRA, Cadet.
Must take orders from:
High Command.
Name(ConFed) or DSgnt-Name.
Second in command of CRA. Assist CRA Commandant as needed. Recruit.
To reach this Rank you must prove you know ConFed laws, Diplomacy, and Ranks inside out by memory. You must also be EXTREMELY active in ConFed, and be a model member. The Commandant will seek you out if he/she feels you are qualified.
Can issue orders to:
First Sergeants, Cadets.
Must take orders from:
Commandant, High Command.
Name(ConFed) or FSgnt-Name
If you transfer to this branch, this is the Rank you are given. Your duties are simple, but still somewhat time-consuming. Assist the CRA Commandant as needed. Recruit. Again, if you are not a VERY active ConFed member, you will quickly find yourself overworked and burnt out, so be cautious of this post.
To be promoted to this post you must seek out the CRA Commandant.
Can issue orders to:
Must take orders from:
Commandant, Drill Sergeant, High Command.