The Academy - Part Nine: SSA
"Had enough? Or can you take the heat?"
SSA or the Stellar Security Administration is the next branch we will cover. Unlike UMC, SSA entails HEAVY responsibility and its members must be online a good deal of time. SSA involves a lot of chat and channel related activities. SSA's priority is not in game-play, however, several SSA members are indeed excellent warriors on the battlefield. SSA has three priorities.
It is SSA who should hold OPS (the little hammer) in the channel in the absence of a leader. If YOU happen to have the hammer and a genuine SSA asks for it, you are required to give it to them. You should by rights offer it on your own anyways. SSA are trained to run the channel effectively and need the hammer to do it.
SSA tracks #'s and IP's of members and anyone else who requires surveillance. SSA usually discovers spies in this manner.
SSA enforces the laws. SSA will warn and kick any member from the channel that breaks ConFed law. If the member continues to break the law after the warning, the SSA member will ban them, take a 'screenshot' and pass the information along to the leaders so a punishment may be decided.
SSA are serious, no nonsense members and they WILL enforce ConFed law. If you are taking the laws lightly...don't. SSA will kick you out of the channel everytime you break one. If the idea of being kicked for breaking laws makes you mad and you don't really care about the laws anyways, you might as well quit ConFed now or SSA will make your life a living hell. As long as you abide by the laws and aren't a spy, you'll find SSA members friendly and amiable.
Ranks in SSA from lowest to highest are: Security Personnel, Coordinators, Deputy Director, and Director. Promotions in SSA are based on how well you do your job as an SSA and is at the discretion of the SSA Director. Keep in mind that SSA may ONLY issue orders to other SSA in general. However they CAN order any other member of ConFed that is NOT a leader to abide by the laws if that member is breaking the laws. Disregarding an SSA's orders to comply with ConFed law is grounds for the SSA legally kicking/banning you from the channel.
If SSA work appeals to you, you can apply for transfer as soon as you attain the rank of Sergeant in the UMC.
You have completed part nine. If you have any questions ask a member of CRA for help (look for Branch: CRA in member profiles).