The Academy - Part Ten: Leaders
HIGH COMMAND: These are the supreme leaders of ConFed. The High Command consists of the President, Vice President and the Advisors. Only these people have executive power over ConFed. They are the highest ranking members in ConFed and they can issue orders to any other member of ConFed, no matter what branch they belong to. Not all members of the High Command have equal power, the President has the ability to overrule any decision made by the other High Command members, the President alone has supreme power.
High Command
The High Command has the power to: Declare Alliances/Wars, Expel any member of ConFed, Re-admit any exiled ConFed or a ConFed that once resigned, Introduce new laws, rules, policies, structure or ranks. The High Command must vote as a whole on such issues; no one individual member of the High Command has this power (except for the President or Vice President).
The following is the President rank and its description:
Duties:This is the highest rank in The Confederation. JCOS Member. Webmaster for Confederation. May suspend a member for breaking the law. May violate basic ConFed law if it is in the interests of ConFed to do so. May kick/ban any member from a ConFed channel. May declare Martial Law, under which all members (including the High Command) must comply with the orders given by the President without question, failure to do so will result in expulsion from the clan. The President is the only member with the power to appoint a new Vice President.
You have completed part ten. If you have any questions ask a member of CRA for help (look for Branch: CRA in member profiles).